The Get Healthy Tampa Bay Podcast
Bringing all things health and wellness to Tampa Bay, FL from your very own family and obesity medicine physician, Dr. Kerry Reller, MD, MS. We will discuss general medical topics, weight management, and local spots and events focusing on health, wellness, and nutrition in an interview and solo-cast format. Published weekly.
The Get Healthy Tampa Bay Podcast
E113: Cancer Care Beyond Treatment with Dr. Abida Taher & Dr. Robyn Lesser
Welcome to the Get Healthy Tampa Bay Podcast!
This week, I’m joined by Dr. Abida Taher, an oncoradiologist and founder of UnCancer, and Dr. Robyn Lesser, a pediatric dentist. Together, they are bridging the gap in cancer care by providing essential support beyond medical treatment.
In this episode, we discuss the challenges cancer patients face outside the clinic, particularly with oral health, nutrition, and comfort during treatment. Dr. Taher and Dr. Lesser share how UnCancer offers practical solutions, from specialized oral care products to thoughtfully designed comfort wear for patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. They also explain the critical need for better collaboration between oncologists and dentists and how their mission is improving the overall well-being of cancer patients and survivors.
Tune in to learn how these innovations are making a real difference in the lives of those navigating cancer treatment and recovery!
00:28 - Welcome and Guest Introductions
01:21 - Dr. Abida Taher: Oncology and UnCancer's Mission
02:48 - Dr. Robyn Lesser: Pediatric Dentistry and Cancer Care
05:42 - The Gap in Cancer Patient Support
10:53 - Oral Health Challenges During Cancer Treatment
13:09 - Expanding UnCancer’s Impact and Future Goals
17:55 - The Comfort Wear Line for Cancer Patients
23:48 - Addressing Peripheral Neuropathy and Side Effects
26:02 - Integrating Cancer Support into Healthcare Systems
29:56 - Final Advice and How to Connect with UnCancer
Connect with Dr. Taher and Dr. Lesser
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uncancer.team
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uncancer.team/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/uncancerteam/
Website: www.uncancer.com
Connect with Dr. Reller
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All right. Hi, everybody. Welcome back to the Get Healthy Tampa Bay podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Kerry Reller. And today we have two very special guests at the same time. I love this. Dr. Taher, right? And Dr. Lesser otherwise known as Abida and Robin, right?
Kerry:Okay. Welcome to the podcast. I hope I didn't mess up the names. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Abida:Thank you for having us. Yeah, we're really excited to be on this podcast. We've been Tampa Bay residents for a long time and we love it here. And we're excited to talk about what we do. Yeah.
Kerry:Awesome. So yeah, that's exactly what, you know, I have everybody come on and do. So this is perfect. And you guys are a little bit unique. First of all, there's two of you and you've, going to tell us about why you're together at the same time. so why don't we start with Abdia. And tell us, you know, who you are, what you do, and then we'll go with Robin.
Abida:sure. So I'm Dr. Abida Taher. I'm an oncoradiologist by profession and I am the founder for UnCancer, which is a healthcare startup based out of here in the Tampa Bay area. I spend my days looking at scans from cancer patients. That's what I do for a living. Just, you know, seeing whether they respond to treatment, whether they are at initial diagnosis, whether they are survivors previvors, you know spend all my day looking at basically PET CTs and CTs and seeing how patients are responding to treatment. Robin and I are friends. for a very long time. We became friends through our kids who started kindergarten together. And that's how we met each other. And I let Robin introduce herself. Okay. So I'm Robin Lesser. I'm a pediatric dentist. I have been in private practice, gosh, for over 23 years now. I've had my own practice for over 20, and we just always felt like there was a gap with family, friends and family members going through cancer treatment, which kind of helped facilitate some of our discussions in the oral care realm. Products were constantly changing and people were having a hard time finding what they needed. So I was making my own care packages and through discussions and our friendships. I was fortunate enough for Abirata to invite me to collaborate with her and that's why we're here together today.
Kerry:Yeah, that's such a cool story. I can't believe you guys went to kindergarten together.
Abida:Well, our kids did. Our girls. Our girls did.
Kerry:Oh, I thought you said you went to kindergarten together.
Abida:that's how we met. But our girls are 17 now. So, so yeah,
Kerry:Okay. Yeah. So, I mean, you're sitting there, you know, looking at scans all the time for patients who have cancer and you're looking and helping with their, you know, oral treatments, but how, what inspired you to start this? Well, first of all, tell us the mission of Uncancer, right? And what inspired you to start it?
Abida:sure. So I think this was right about when COVID hit and you know, we were all stuck in our homes. I am of course a radiologist. So I read from home. And my husband's an oncologist. So our dinner conversations, our end of day conversations are all about cancer patients and you know, what's going on with them. And you know, we always came to this, this sort of frustration that, you know, while the patient is in, the chemotherapy chair or in his doctor's office or, doing radiation, they're very well taken care of. And, and the majority of cancer treatment in this country actually happens in community oncology practices. So that's where patients usually go, you know, where they live nearby to them and they get excellent care. They get standard of care treatment, but once they come home and they're with their caregiver or they're at work that kind of support is not there everywhere. If you're, you know, at a very large cancer center, Or let's say you're at MD Anderson and you have this great, you know, social sort of department that takes care of all of the social stuff that happens with cancer treatment, then it's fine. But if you're in a smaller city, in a smaller town, it's hard to get that kind of support. And just based on what I saw with scans and patients and, you know, lymphedema and, you know, all of the other things that happen with cancer treatment, you know, there was just, A lack of retail products as well as practical advice that helps cancer patients go through treatment and through survivorship while leading their lives, you know, to the best that they can, whether it's at work, whether it's, you know, with their friends and family with their kids. And so, you know, just out of that, I started writing blogs, very practical things. So basically, you're going to chemotherapy, what should you have in your bag? You're coming back from surgery. How should your home be set up so it's easier for you and your caregiver? You're getting ready for radiation therapy. These are the things you should look out for. So it wasn't very, you know, science e and like, you know, what is breast cancer and what are these mutations? None of that. It was just very, very practical. Information blogs that patients could use caregivers could use even just to, you know, ask your oncologist the right questions when you get diagnosed. You don't know what to ask. You're terrified. You're scared. So I just wanted to sort of approach it from that area. And I started writing blogs in about, you know, just when COVID hit where I think we're about at 90, 95 blogs now.
Abida:Then starting from there started writing these things that I call stress less checklists. So here was something that you could just take with you wherever you go to remind you of what to do and how to take care of your loved one, or even for the cancer patient on what to talk to the doctors about to the oncology nurses about things like that. And then one day Robin and I were just sitting and chatting you know, by, by the beautiful water here in Tampa Bay. And we were generally talking about how oral care is affected across. different types of cancers regardless of the type of treatment or the location of cancer, right? So you could have breast cancer and you could be on chemotherapy and you could get dry mouth, you could get sensitive teeth, you could get mucositis you could have esophageal cancer and have the same things. You could have gastric cancer and have similar effects in the mouth. So it really, it didn't matter what kind of cancer you have, but a majority of cancer treatment whether it's chemotherapy or really radiation therapy to the head and neck, or even the newer, you know, the newer types of treatment, immunotherapies, biologics, all of them seem to have this component of oral side effects. And then I'm going to let Robin tell the next thing. So we felt like people were not given basically a toolkit to help get them through treatment. The last thing on their mind when they have cancer and are being treated is. Going to the dentist, right? Who wants to take time out when you're already not feeling well, you're worried about so many other things to go to the dentist. And so we know just through science, certain things that work and help people through treatment, whether it's a. Simple salt and soda mouth rinse that people can make themselves at home. But people weren't doing it. Caregivers weren't doing it. They were being told kind of what to do, but not doing it. We also felt that even just having certain products that did not. Dehydrate the mouth or make the teeth more sensitive, like a sensitive toothpaste. People were not aware of all of those things that they would need to have to help them so they can still keep eating and drinking and not have to stop treatment. So we really started to look at specific products where we felt we could better everybody's outcomes and help them through treatment and not have to delay. And we found that there was a gap. There were some great products out there that then six months later, you couldn't find them. Yeah. And, and, and, you know, it, it just, it's just never at the top of your mind when you're going through cancer treatment, that you need this oral support or you need other products that ease that journey. Right. And that was our goal is to ease the treatment journey and survivorship. And so, you know, we, we started putting together. What we thought would be an ideal group of products to take care of the oral cavity, because that's where Robin's expertise was, and mine was in oncology. And so we targeted the most common side effects that happen during cancer treatment. And so that's dry mouth, teeth sensitivity. oral ulcers or mucositis or stomatitis. And then of course all of that leading to dental decay or dental caries. And what we don't realize is that when you have these kinds of side effects, they affect what you eat, they affect how you drink, they affect nutrition, they affect your ability to even speak. Right. So all of these things can it's a huge burden on the patient. And then think about it from the caregiver's point of view, they're so worried, they want to help their loved one. But, going to try and find all of these products that they can trust and can give to a patient who's already very vulnerable from cancer is hard. It was really hard. And so we did like 22 years of it. Research and formulations and testing in vivo in vitro, the effects of our products to make sure that they were effective. We really looked at it from what we would want to use for ourselves to have the best outcomes. And for friends and family, just so we could optimize their treatment and it took one less thing off their list. we've also gone as far as to work with different dental societies and, and Oncology nursing. Right. So we did a lot of educational sessions as well for the local oncology nursing groups for the big hospital systems here. And we really want to improve that communication, you know, as dentists and the American Heart Association has done an amazing job of having these standardized forms and cardiac clearance for us, but there was really nothing standard in the oncology realm for dentists. So we've worked with hygienists, we've worked with dentists, we've worked with oncologists, and we've even developed forms to help open up the communication to optimize patient treatment. When do they need their extractions or fillings done or work before they start treatment? What does their blood work show? Do they need premedication? So we have all that in there. So it's an easy standardized form that we make available to anyone that asked for it just to take away the complications that kind of deter people from getting.
Kerry:Yeah, it's interesting. You say that like the collaboration between when is the timing right? Because I just had a patient who's going to be starting, you know, chemotherapy and possibly radiation, and she needed some teeth work. And I'm like, you know, I don't know, like, sure, ask the oncologist when she's allowed to get it. And I'm assuming they want to do it before you have, you know, getting chemotherapy. And what is also, I think, wonderful about the The blog that you did in, you know, prior to your company is that, you know, you were encompassing all types of cancer, right? And all types of patients and recognizing what they could bring. And I think there's a big disconnect there of, you know, like you said, functioning in society. And yet, you know, following the guidelines of the oncologist and radiation doctors. Whereas, you know, how do they function in society, right? How do you, what do you bring? What do you ask? Like, that's another way to like advocate for the patients in their like life that they're, still living, right. While they're undergoing all of these things. So that's, those are really helpful things. And then. I think you were also stressing all these side effects and that can be from any type of cancer. So, you are really targeting, obviously, the oral side effects, which is so important. Like you mentioned if you can't eat and you can't drink you're not going to have the nutrition that you need, right, to even to think about fighting the cancer, right? So you have to have that nutrition in place in order to, you know, be able to fight the cancer with not just the drugs, but your own body. So you have to be able to physically eat and drink. So what you're doing is just. It's really amazing. So you mentioned, you know, some of the side effects and stuff and you're creating products, right? You have tested them for a couple of years. And now you're bringing in this advocacy, advocacy and collaboration between dentists and oncologists, which is, you know, kind of amazing. And you saying that it didn't exist right prior to. Yeah. So that's a big, amazing change that you're doing. So, I mean, where do you see I guess this moving forward? What is like the goal? How can healthcare professionals better integrate these things that you're doing and other, you know, to support the cancer patients?
Abida:Yeah. So, you know, definitely, you know, we've started with the oral care products, which, you know, you can take every patient or caregiver can come to our website and buy it for themselves. These are non prescription based products, so you don't need a script for it. They've been tested. We've had more than 4000 cancer patients use our products. We've gotten great response and relief. So we've also done extensive in vitro testing as well as patient response quality surveys and so. So really, you know, these products are great and can help a wide variety of patients, regardless of the type of cancer they have. But you know, our goal is to sort of build out this side effect world that patients are experiencing. There's, you know, we have more than 23 million survivors, cancer survivors in this country. We have 2 million new cases every year. And you know, we're living at this time where treatment options are just exploding. I mean, cancer research, especially in the treatment field, has just taken off. And every day there's tons of new drugs coming out, right, for cancer treatment. They are just pills that you just take. You don't even need to be in the chemotherapy chair. But because treatment options have improved tremendously, and because now we are able to diagnose cancer earlier and earlier, Patients now are living for many, many decades and they may undergo you know, treatment and they have great response and then they can, it can come back again. And so they go through these multiple cycles of treatment and then, you know, recurrences as well. But we want to support them through all of that. And that was our goal. Robin and I always talk about, when a woman gets pregnant and she goes to see her OB doctor, you know, she gets sort of this pregnancy kit with all of the information and samples and things like that, that support her through those nine months. And we imagine a world where a cancer patient. gets a kick like that. You know, you get diagnosed with cancer. You're hopefully going to go through treatment and then enter survivorship and live for a very, very long time. Because in many cases, cancer is almost a chronic disease because treatment has gotten so great, right? So like a diabetic, they could live for decades. But the side effects unfortunately tend to stay on with you. Some of them may resolve, some of them may come back, some of them just stay with you. So we wanted to build out this kit where you get a chemotherapy bag and so it gets the right information, you get all the side effect product, you know, support that you need and then depending on the kind of side effects you get you come and buy more product just as as you need and as you go through treatment. So we're on our way there. We started with the oral care kit this year. We're coming out with a comfort wear line of clothing specifically targeting cancer patients, right? So we wanted it's such a vulnerable population and we wanted to make sure that we anything that we make is rooted in science. is based in science and we can actually show data that it works. So this that we're really excited about the comfort wear line should be there, you know, middle, middle of this year. It's an entirely bamboo based and cotton based line of chemotherapy where almost like scrubs for patients. So, you know, physicians, we, we, we Then to go to the hospital or to our work, we just put on our scrubs. We don't think twice. It supports us through what we do during the day and then come home. We wanted that for patients. Why should you know, a caregiver, a patient get up in the morning and say, Oh my God, I have to go to chemotherapy today. What should I wear? Somebody needs to access my port. I don't want to disrobe because, you know, I've had surgery and there's disfigurement and I, I don't, I don't feel comfortable. Why? You know, patients should be just as comfortable as physicians when they go for treatment. So, this clothing line is really special. It's we were, again, a couple of years into it. You know, we made sure that there are no endocrine mimickers or chemical dyes. Everything is, you know, natural and tested. They're all certified clothing. They have these adaptive zips where you can't even tell that, you know, they're there, but you can, you know, open a zip and, and they can access your port. You never have to disrobe. You go to the doctor's office. They can examine you completely without you having to disrobe. And so we also have two types of head covering and we have a port protector pad that sits on your car seat belt. So your port side is always protected and doesn't get irritated. From the seatbelt rubbing against it. So all of that is coming out. We're working. Yeah. Yeah. And it doesn't look like adaptive clothing, which was our main focus. We wanted to create a line of clothing where they could, maybe they had some errands to run or how to go to the grocery store or meeting somebody for a cup of coffee before or after treatment. And we didn't want them to go looking like they had just left a chemotherapy appointment. So,
Kerry:that's so cool. I can like totally envision, you know, the port access zipper and things like that. And that's cool. And you mentioned headwear. So sometimes a lot of people think about hair loss in cancer. And are you going to, is that kind of addressing that or?
Abida:Yeah, so we have two types of head covering. We have this really cool baseball cap kind of a thing, but again made with this specialized material that is so soft and really doesn't irritate the scalp because the scalp gets so sensitive from chemotherapy. And then we have a beanie that you can even see. sleep in, you know, things that we don't think of if you lose your hair and you know, you're at home cooking and you're standing in front of the oven and you open the oven door, the heat can really send your scalp. The scalp is that sensitive to have something that you can wear at home or even go to sleep with. And so we, we have that. And this, this beanie is really nice because a lot of women who, young women who undergo breast cancer treatment, are put into early menopause. And so, you know, they get the hot flashes and all of the symptoms that happen. And so this beanie has a little opening on top so you can have air going in and out. So your scalp doesn't get overheated things like that. So a lot of thought has gone into these products and we really want to be able to get it in the hands of as many patients and caregivers as we can. That's our goal.
Kerry:That's awesome. So do you think you mentioned your husband is an oncologist, right? So are you definitely taking a lot of information from what he is, his experiences are with his patients? And
Abida:absolutely. Absolutely. We talk about it all the time. You know, we we have a bunch of friends who are also, you know, oncology caregivers or nurses and patients. And so, you know, really, we've taken the time to do lots of these in depth conversations and you know, ask actually the nurses who man the chemotherapy room, like what are patients coming and asking you for? And you know, what are their pain points? And we really want to address those things in a very systematic, organized way with lots of testing. So the end product is something that is truly useful and solves a problem that cancer patients and caregivers face. And
Kerry:How about like nausea and things like that? I mean, I know we've got our prescription medications, but what are you going to tell?
Abida:have these amazing xylitol candies that come in our, our oral care line and dry mouth kit. And they are over 90 percent xylitol with some essential oils, very low on the glycemic index. So you're not seeing that. spike in insulin, and we have a ginger candy. So we're trying to do little things like that, that stimulate saliva flow, but also help with some of the other side effects they might be having. Yeah. Our candies. I mean, they're so amazing. They really stimulate, you know, the salivary glands to make saliva. So they help with the dry mouth and because it's xylitol bacteria cannot use that as a sugar source to grow. So, you know, it prevents dental caries. Patients could just carry it, carry it with them wherever they go. And the other thing that's really nice about them is they're small little pieces and like most sugar free candies, ours, you can actually chew as well. They're not going to feel like they're pulling out your teeth at the same time. I feel like most sugar free candies are extremely sticky and can remove dental work. But these are really nice. You can just keep them in your cheek if you want, we have lemon and sour cherry and then ginger. So you're getting not only that chemical stimulation, right. From the sour flavor, but you're also getting the masticatory stimulation of salivating and just really helping Things going so those are wonderful to have right before a patient eats that has dry mouth because it gets the saliva going. They can taste their food a little better. It's going to be easier to swallow. Yeah, we call them are good for you candies should replace all of the candy and the gum that that that's around because these are really good for you and they taste. I mean, I love them. I do too. They do not taste sugar free. That's the other thing is they don't have weird aftertaste. Yeah.
Kerry:GI side effects. I know the sugar alcohols can sometimes. Let's
Abida:they do, you know, we do, we are clear about you know, a few pieces and serving size and, and not to exceed, but we've not had that kind of you know, complaints at all. We've had so many patients use them now and then, you know because even a small piece really gives you the effect that you need that so patients tend to not overeat. They're great for saliva stimulation and the flavor is so delicious, I would say. So yeah, we have those. And then, you know, we have this really nice toothpaste that it's a nano hydroxy appetite toothpaste. What happens is sometimes when you're on chemotherapy, the fluoride can be very sensitizing to the oral mucosa because it's raw and it's got. sores. And so the nanohydroxy toothpaste, we have it at a concentration that is equivalent to fluoride in terms of cavity prevention. Got a very, very mild mint, sweet mint flavor. So again, doesn't irritate your mouth, but it actually rebuilds your teeth enamel. So over 95 percent of your enamel is made out of hydroxyapatite. And so what we're doing is we're putting those minerals back into the teeth. And so you can actually smear it on your teeth and leave it. You don't have to worry about fluorosis or other side effects from too much fluoride or a GI upset if you're rinsing with fluoride or using a tray and swallowing it all. So it's a nice alternative to fluoride. We also have a remineralization gel that comes with a little pen that you can paint on your teeth. It's calcium phosphate. It also has potassium nitrate in it. It seals your dental tubules, which is the part of your two structure that causes that shock or like zing type feel in your teeth. So it helps reduce that. And then our salt and soda mouth rinse, we've had amazing results with patients with reducing mucositis, mouth sores, because it just keeps that tissue hydrated so it can heal better.
Kerry:Wow, you guys already have a lot of products. It's interesting to see what you've kind of got in line. Are, are there any other side effects that you're planning on targeting?
Abida:Yeah, definitely. One of the biggest complaints patients have is peripheral neuropathy. So a lot of the common cancers, you know, the bread and butter cancers is what we call them are colon, breast, lung and prostate. And, you know, across those cancers, you know, platinum based chemotherapies are very common and that causes a lot of peripheral neuropathy. And so we're working on products for peripheral neuropathy, some of it for the radiation dermatitis. that happens because of radiation. And so skin care, scalp care, because you know, the kind of hair loss that happens with chemotherapy is very different than, you know, the regular hair loss that people talk about. We want to, you know, protect and stimulate the follicle so that hair grows back. You know, in a way that is manageable. Usually you'll see patients who've had chemotherapy and have lost their hair complain that their hair comes out very wiry and curly you know, after chemotherapy. And of course, gray as well, they, you know, don't tend to get back the color. So we're working on all of those, you know, of course, because, you know, we want to make sure we're doing it the right way. Testing is taking us a year or two just to make sure we have the right product and. not anything that can hurt the patient, you know, so we're going through all of that. We're working with insurance companies, with hospital systems, with pharma companies and, and really trying to take the burden off of the patient. You know, we feel that when the patient gets diagnosed, all they need to worry about or think about is healing and getting better and feeling better. Everything else should have to come off their plate. And that's our goal. And so we're trying to build all of these, these pathways where these products can come to patients. And then, you know. And help them through their journey.
Kerry:I think that You definitely with all the most common types of cancer, you know, you can help everybody with all the different things that are going. And I could see like you having more and more ideas coming through. And you mentioned like working with pharmacies and hospitalists and insurance companies. Where do you see that going? Kind of,
Abida:Ideally, we would love for them to provide basically a starter kit for their patients with our products, knowing what their treatment, the impact it'll have on them and the side effects so that patients can stay a step ahead, find what works best for them. And as Abida said, removes the financial burden from the patients. To help them have that support with products to make it through their treatment and to get to survivorship.
Kerry:your products are all like natural. You're not like using prescription type things, right? This is right. All natural support. Okay.
Abida:Because we want to increase access, you know, the moment it becomes a prescription, it's one extra step for the patient or the caregiver. But, you know, just like in some of the bigger institutions, if you know, you, somebody has mastectomy and needs a mastectomy bra the doctor can write a script and they can go to the oncology pharmacy and get that bra from there and the insurance covers it. I think, you know, a lot of these products should fall within that realm as well so that the patient is better prepared and, you know, doesn't have to worry about all of these things and they need it. If you, if you really talk to, to patients, you'll see that, you know, all of these things, you know, they're, they need it, they want it, and they just don't know who to trust. And where to get it from. And so we want to build that trust. We want to build that community where patients can, you know, they don't have to look at Dr. Google at all. We've done the research and we've done the work and we've done the testing. And so, you know, there's that level of trust and credibility because of our backgrounds and because of all of the work that we've put in into these products and they can just come and buy and they know that it'll work for them. And we also want them to know if they have questions or don't know what questions to ask, we can also be a resource for them for that with our stress checklist and our. blogs, because I think there's a lot of things that happen after treatment and impact patients for the rest of their lives, that they're not quite sure how to deal with that. And they don't know whether they go back to the oncologist or they go to their physician. So we want to make everything available. So they know where to go, what to do just to, to be there as basically a helping them through treatment. Yeah. A friend who knows.
Kerry:thought that was interesting how you mentioned how cancer really is like a, you know, chronic disease now because we're doing so much better at treating it and the patients are living longer, yet I'm not as aware as you are as that they're living with these side effects for a prolonged period of time. You know, I, I'm definitely aware of the peripheral neuropathy and things like that, but, you know, this, this is really, important things that you're, you know, continuing to care for long term of that. They could still have these side effects as possible, you know? Yeah.
Abida:Absolutely, absolutely. We, we really, you know, there is, if you think about it, there is no cancer retail space in this country. I mean, there has to be shelf space in every pharmacy that is helping cancer patients. So they're not looking through different things and not understanding what will work or what is right for them. Our goal is to build that retail space out and to, to help patients get what they need, you know, really want to do something good. Yeah.
Kerry:Wonderful. I mean, any other like advice for the listener or anybody that you guys want to add?
Abida:Yeah, I would say, if unfortunately you or a loved one or somebody, you know, gets diagnosed with cancer, you know, come to uncancer. com, look at the checklist, you know, it's going to, you're going to find so much use out of it reach out to us, send us a, drop us a, drop us a line and we'll, we'll do everything we can to help you really Tampa Bay is our home. And we want to be there for, for all of our Floridians and help them through this process. And then, of course, the rest of the country as well. But we, we want to wish everybody good health and an easy recovery journey. Something that takes them into survivorship and thrivership as we call it. And that they can live their best lives despite cancer and its treatment.
Kerry:I mean, I think what you're doing is amazing and these things are live now, right? They can purchase them
Abida:Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.
Kerry:Yeah. This is such a unique business. I think that you've come up with it. You're right. Like the retail space is not there and they need these things. So this is amazing. And kudos to you and thank you for doing what you're doing. So you said they can go to, you know, uncancer. com. Is there anywhere else that they should reach out to you?
Abida:No, we're there. Yeah, it's the easiest. They'll get their products shipped out to them from our warehouse. And, you know, we're always there to listen to what they have to say, any feedback, anything, you know, we're, we're there. And Robin and I would love to hear from, from our, our, your viewers and any cancer patients and caregivers out there.
Kerry:Awesome. Is there anything that you'd like to add Robin or Dr. Lesser?
Abida:No, I think Abida said it so eloquently.
Kerry:Okay. Awesome. Well, thank you guys so much for joining us on the podcast today. I mean, I think this is an amazing thing that you're doing. And I think that listeners and their loved ones and their friends and family will get a lot out of it. So definitely be looking up uncancer com everybody. And, you know, thank you for coming on the podcast and everybody tune in next week for next week's episode.
Abida:Thank you so much, Dr. Reller. It was great talking to you. Bye bye.